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General information about the house


Object: apartment house, located at: Nikolaev, Znamyanskaya Street  49

year of commissioning -1978

material - reinforced concrete blocks

roofing material - soft

number of floors - 5

number of entrances - 4

number of apartments - 60

number of non-residential premises -

number of elevators - pieces (including - passenger - cargo-passenger)

the number of elevators connected to control systems - pieces

number of license plates / sold-out - 1 piece

number of garbage chambers - 4 pieces

total area of the house (residential and non-residential premises) - 3206.40 square meters, including:

- the total area of apartments in the house - 2968.85 square meters

- the total area of non-residential premises in the house - square meters

Roof area - 890, 0 square meters

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