Comprehensive maintenance of apartment buildings
street Rainbow 38
Contact numbers of the information service:
(0512) 71-62-96 ; (095) 780-64-44
Вітання з новим 2025 роком!
Якщо мешканці будинку не визначились з формою управління і не створили ОСББ, то управителя вибирає орган місцевого самоврядування за підсумками конкурсу керуючих.
Система опалення багатоквартирного будинку - це обладнання, яке обігріває приміщення з метою підтримки оптимальної температури - яка буде комфортною для мешканців будинку. Компанія ТОВ УК «Корабельний» надає для власників квартир широкий спектр послуг, пов'язаних з монтажем та ремонтом опалювальної системи.
Вітання з новим 2025 роком!
Yours worries-Our job!
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Ltd "Korabelniy"
Mon-Fri: s 8:00 to 17:00
Sat, Sun: day off
Current repair at home
Article 13 Law "On housing and communal services" determines that services for the maintenance of buildings and structures and adjacent areas include: cleaning of indoor premises and adjacent territory; sanitary maintenance; maintenance of indoor networks; maintenance of elevators; lighting of common areas; current repair; removal of household waste, etc. | BOOK A SERVICE
The rules of maintenance of residential buildings and adjacent territories have been approved by order of the State Committee of Ukraine for Housing and Communal Services from 17.05.2005 № 76.
Current repairs of the house - a set of repair and construction works, which provides for systematic and timely maintenance of operational qualities and prevention of premature wear of structures and engineering equipment.
Overhaul of the house - a set of repair and construction works related to the restoration or improvement of the performance of the building, with the replacement or restoration of load-bearing or enclosing structures, engineering equipment and fire protection equipment without changing the construction dimensions of the object and its technical and economic indicators.
Thus, the overhaul of the house and its financing is the responsibility of the co-owners of an apartment building (owners of apartments and non-residential premises in this house) from the moment of acquisition of apartments or non-residential premises through privatization, purchase, etc.
See examples works performed employees of Korabelniy.Ltd in relation to the current repair houses.