Comprehensive maintenance of apartment buildings
street Rainbow 38
Contact numbers of the information service:
(0512) 71-62-96 ; (095) 780-64-44
Вітання з новим 2025 роком!
Якщо мешканці будинку не визначились з формою управління і не створили ОСББ, то управителя вибирає орган місцевого самоврядування за підсумками конкурсу керуючих.
Система опалення багатоквартирного будинку - це обладнання, яке обігріває приміщення з метою підтримки оптимальної температури - яка буде комфортною для мешканців будинку. Компанія ТОВ УК «Корабельний» надає для власників квартир широкий спектр послуг, пов'язаних з монтажем та ремонтом опалювальної системи.
Вітання з новим 2025 роком!
Yours worries-Our job!
Email :
Ltd "Korabelniy"
Mon-Fri: s 8:00 to 17:00
Sat, Sun: day off
Agreement and Privacy Policy.
1. Collection of information
We collect information when you fill out the feedback form on the site. Information may include your name, email address, phone number. In addition, it is possible to automatically register your IP, browser, software and other hardware data, as well as the address of the requested page. By sending a message via the feedback form, you agree to the privacy policy and allow the Internet resource "HTTPS: // www.KORABELNIY-LTD.MK.UA ", located at: Mykolaiv, Ukraine, 50000, Bogoyavlensky Ave., 336 / 1 collect and store your data.
2. Use of information
The information we receive from you may be used to:
Provide services relevant to your individual requests;
Improve our site;
Contact you by email;
3. Protection of personal data
We are the sole owner of the information collected on this site. Your personal data will not be sold or in any way transferred to third parties for any reason, except for the data necessary to fulfill a request or transaction, for example, in consultation with residents of condominiums.
4. Disclosure of information to third parties
We do not sell, exchange or transfer personal data to third parties. This does not apply to trusted companies that assist us in the operation of the site and the police in cases provided that they agree to maintain the confidentiality of information.
We are ready to share information to prevent or assist in the investigation of a crime if it is a suspicion of fraud, actions that physically endanger the safety of people, violations of the rules of use or in cases where it is required by law.
5. Protection of information and use of cookies
The protection of information is carried out by means of the company-provider of the site designer and hosting service. For our part, only those employees who are directly involved in the processing of requests and support of the site have access to personal data without the right to their misuse and disclosure.
Our cookies are used to improve access to the site and to determine repeat visits. In addition, they allow you to track the most interesting query. Cookies do not transmit any confidential information.
6. Additional services used on the site
The HTTPS: // www.KORABELNIY-LTD.MK.UA pages use Google Ads and Yandex services . Direct .
At any time, the user can get acquainted in detail with cookies by Google remarketing system (similar to cookies for Yandex ), as well as the ability to disable them.
7. Unsubscribe
We use e-mail to provide you with information on your order, company news, product information, etc. If you wish to unsubscribe, each letter provides detailed instructions on how you can do so.
8. Consent
By submitting data using the feedback form, you automatically agree to our privacy policy.