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ACMH or management company: weigh the pros and cons!

Contrary to popular belief, not every developer is "burning" with the desire to manage their own homes. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each house management format, how will the housing management market develop?
The main difference between a management company and a condominium is the presence of the necessary work experience: technical, organizational, financial and economic, and so on.


Most often, condominiums can not boast of such experience as professional companies. They do not have established contacts with government agencies and service providers, which may impose unfavorable conditions and tariffs. If the condominium is not created in a large residential complex, but in a separate building, then it, unlike the management company, it is unprofitable to constantly keep in the staff technical staff - plumbing, locksmith, electrician. As a result, the professionalism of staff suffers and, as a consequence, the quality of their work. Sometimes condominiums do not even have the necessary knowledge, and violations of the same rules of landscaping can result in large fines. Taking responsibility for the house, including condominiums take on all the economic nuances - compensation for subsidies, land tax, dealing with defaulters and so on ...

Найчастіше ОСББ не можуть похвалитися таким досвідом, як професійні компанії. У них немає налагоджених контактів з державними органами та постачальниками послуг, через що ті можуть нав'язувати невигідні умови і тарифи. Якщо ОСББ створено не у великому житловому комплексі, а в окремому будинку, то йому, на відміну від керуючої компанії, невигідно постійно тримати в штаті технічний персонал - сантехніка, слюсаря, електрика. В результаті страждає професіоналізм кадрів і як наслідок, якість виконуваної ними роботи. Іноді у ОСББ навіть немає необхідних знань, а порушення тих же правил благоустрою прибудинкової території можуть обернутися великими штрафами. Беручи на себе відповідальність за будинок, ОСББ в тому числі беруть на себе всі економічні нюанси - компенсації субсидій, сплату земельного податку, вирішення питань з неплатниками і так далі ...

    Short  statistics  manager  companies  




July 8, 2021

The grass was mowed again in the adjacent territories, which are serviced by our management company at the following addresses:

July 8, 2021

The grass was mowed again in the adjacent territories, which are serviced by our management company at the following addresses:

    Why is KORABELNY LTD recommended?    


The company Korabelniy LTD, is an alternative to the existing ZhEK, with the prefix responsibility, service, and guaranteed  quality of work. Each client of the company is offered a variety of services for the maintenance of an apartment building:

  • Management;

  • Accounting services;

  • Maintenance of electrical networks;

  • Maintenance of indoor heating, water supply and sewerage systems ;

  • Cleaning of the house territory ;

  • Emergency  of water supply, heating, sewerage, electricity networks ;

  • Current repairs of the house, etc.  ( LOOK​  FULL  COMPANY INFORMATION )

October 22, 2020

Employees of LLC UK "Ship" performed sanitary treatment of entrances of apartment houses with a special disinfectant solution


17  November  2020

Invasion of mice in the apartment of Nikolaev.  IN  situation, people are unfoundedly accusing the company " City for People " .....

July 1, 2016

The Nikolaev ZhEKs will serve houses before election of the managing company or before creation of condominiums

CURRENT NEWS                                    

Ukraine, Nikolaev,
Ship area

street Rainbow 38



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