Comprehensive maintenance of apartment buildings
street Rainbow 38
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04/24/2019 "City for people" kissed to the center of Nikolaev ...
The City for People company which last year won competition for service of almost half of housing stock in Ingulsky (Leninsky) and Ship areas of Nikolaev, now "aimed" at the central part of the city. Earlier this week, residents of many houses on Central Avenue found a leaflet pasted near the entrances of their houses, which explains in detail what a wonderful company "City" is and what quality services it provides.
"Working according to European business standards and constantly improving the quality of our services, we increase the comfort of our customers," the leaflet reads.
"Working according to European business standards and constantly improving the quality of our services, we increase the comfort of our customers," the leaflet reads.
Further in the document it is explained what purposes this remarkable company puts before itself:
"Our goal is to create the most comfortable living conditions for residents, to ensure proper maintenance of the house, the solution of all technical issues, as well as to enable the consumer to pay as little as possible, while receiving the highest quality services."
At the end of the card there is a phone that invites everyone to call easily.
Many residents of the Central District are now asking: "And what, exactly, are these cards for? After all, as it is known, the center of Nikolaev «the City» doesn't serve. Or maybe the city authorities are preparing another surprise for the residents? What to expect? ".
It is known that competition in which declared the winner «City», caused deep indignation at deputies of the City Council. As a result, it was decided to appeal the results of the competition in court, and the chairman of the competition commission Repin at the session even recommended to remove from office. It is claimed that one och-ch-ch-chen the high-ranking official in Nikolaev received following the results of competition the round sum of approximately 200 thousand US dollars.
Be that as it may, Repin remained "with the briefcase" - he was literally covered by the chest of Mayor Senkevich. It should be noted that the young mayor always shows amazing dexterity when it comes to issues related to the "City".
But the work on housing maintenance in the Ingul and Korabelny districts causes multiple complaints and grievances from residents. / Source /